It's A Colt! Visit our photo album for our new
foal Gypsy Roadrunner.
- I had horses as a teenager and gave them up for
boys. Perhaps I'm just reliving my youth, but in October
of 2001 we bought a Paint
mare named Hasty Act (with a
twice World Champion sire, Shots
Flying Spark). She's 8 years old and pretty green,
having had 60 days professional training, followed by
just intermittent riding (due to my bad knee); I have a
lot of relearning to do! So this page is currently filled
mostly with the links I've found most useful in my new
adventures with horses.
- But before I start on the links, I wanted to let everyone
know that one of the best places to board horses in
Midland Texas is where we rent a stall for Hasty: at L.C.
Hobbs' place on Midland Drive. I have written up a page,
with thumbnails (and more pages, with full-sized images).
Just click here to get a view
of Mr. Hobbs' place.
- AG Direct's Buy
Horses.Com -- great searchability, photos, stats --
this is where I found Hasty. It's a great place to search
for stallions standing at stud, too. As with all
purchases over the Internet, buyer beware and we
recommend you visit the horse before sealing the deal.
Good information on horse genetics can be
found all over the Net. Some of my favorite sites include
those on horse color inheritance. Here's a well-illustrated
website devoted to horse color genetics, and another
with easy-to-read
charts for horse colors that tell you what you get,
for example, when your buckskin carries the dun gene, and
how you get grullo (or grulla) coloring. You can also
find out if your horse carries the dangerous
"Impressive Syndrome" also known as HYPP -- here
at the U.C. Davis site you'll find history and how to
have your horse tested. You can read more about the
American Quarter Horse foundation sire, Impressive
which passed the gene on to his descendants (born in 1969),
- Clip Clop -- I
especially like their searchable dictionary
of horse terms, but they also have a great deal of
information provided by professionals (farrier, trainers,
vets, saddle-makers and so on). If only they'd get rid of
the annoying pop-up sales window.... It aggravates me so
much that I'd never shop there (if only they'd let me
load the shop if I *wanted* to shop).
- The National Research Council's online version of their
book Nutrient
Requirements of Horses, Fifth Edition (1989) has lots
of values for various hays and grains if you're
interested in doing a little science in figuring out what
you should feed your horse.
- Modern, gentler styles of training horses can be found at
John Lyons' (great
workbook offered for sale) website and Clinton Anderson's
Horsemanship (excellent video series).
- Texas
Equestrian Trail Riding Association sponsors a yearly
Expo and has lots of good information about trails
available for riding here in Texas, as well as vacation
spots where you can rent or bring your own horse.
- If, like me, you're fascinated by Gypsy
Vanners, visit my page of links to sites dealing with
them on the web here.
Copyright ©1999 Linda Blanchard All Rights
Reserved. Date Added: December 25, 2001. Last Update: January 07, 2009 .