Welcome to my web for celiacs, those suffering from dermatitis
herpetiformis, and anyone who is wheat-allergic or sensitive.
These pages contain a wealth of links to other resources on the
net, as well as recipes; a growing database of foods that you may
explore (and help to build); resources for those new to living
life gluten-free; and a discussion group about living the
"Celiac Life." Those with live links are on-line now,
the rest are still under construction. Keep checking back often!
Introductory information on celiac disease, dermatitis
herpetiformis, wheat allergies, and how to cope with the
diet. Includes addresses and other information on
suppliers of gluten-free foods and ingredients. You'll
also find here a list of ingredients to be wary of when
shopping, along with discussion of why some of these
ingredients are on the list. Great for debunking myths about foods
(especially grains) listed by many as "unsafe" when they are
actually fine.
An online cookbook complete with gluten-free recipes for everything from
family favorite cookies to staples like teriyaki sauce! The web-based
cookbook includes extensive indices so you can find what you're looking
for, hints, a glossary, links to cooking sources and resources, and some
free recipes. An online catalog sells the rest of the recipes.
I never could get a bulletin board working here on my web, but that's
okay, since Delphi has a very lively community that reminds me of the
early days of the St. John's email list (back when people were allowed to
just chat and get to know each other, and humor prevailed along with all
that good advice). The Delphi group now has an on-line gluten-free foods
database that is much bigger than mine, plus recipes and lots of free
After you've explored all the above, you may find you want even more
information on living the celiac life. Here you'll find my essential links
pages (the best sources of information critical to celiacs on the Net),
links to other celiac's pages, support group lists, travel information,
emergency preparedness and more.